James, frustrated, kicks Magikarp – and of course, this spawns his evolution into a very angry Gyarados.
In “Pokemon Shipwreck,” James obtains a Magikarp and believes it could be useful in saving him and Team Rocket as their boat is sinking, but finds out that the only movie the Pokemon knows at the time is Splash. This was one of the earliest Pokemon episodes and his companions were great, but the storyline was even greater. (Image credit: The Pokemon Company) And When James Kicked His Magikarp – And In Turn Evolved It Into A Very Angry Gyarados (Pokémon Shipwreck)įor this last one, we’re going all the way back to the Indigo League Pokemon series, with Ash, Brock and Misty. It’s a classic disguise and one that makes me snicker every time I watch it, because of course they would do the good ol’ hide in a giant coat. However, this proves to be too tough for James because at the point, he can barely hold Jessie up and falls to the ground, unable to recite their motto due to having to carry her around all day under a large coat to hide them both. In the episode, “The Punchy Pokemon,” Team Rocket is yet again using a disguise to sneak into something, this time a boxing competition, with Jessie sitting on James’ shoulders in order to compete. But there was one episode where James couldn’t remember his part of the motto and it was pretty embarrassing.

Heck, I have their whole motto memorized at this point. įor fans of the anime series, the line “Prepare for trouble and make it double” is something they all know. You have to feel bad after not even being able to recite your own motto. (Image credit: The Pokemon Company) And When James Couldn’t Even Recite Their Own Motto (The Punchy Pokémon) I know that Jessie and James aren’t known for their battling skills but man, they should have seen that coming. However, Wobbuffet ends up sending the attack right into his own teammate, shocking them while Pikachu avoids the counter, practically ending the battle before it began. And while the Pokemon has had his moments, using him in battle usually ends in despair, specifically here where Wobbuffet was used to counter Pikachu’s attack. Wobbuffet is hands down one of the most incompetent Pokemon there is for Team Rocket, which makes them a perfect fit. And in this episode, Jessie uses Wobbuffet, a Pokemon that has been in the show for a long time. In the episode, “Grooming Furfrou!” Team Rocket is off fighting against Pikachu and the gang once again – for what exact reason, I can’t be sure, but it’s always something involving that little electric-type from the original 151 Pokemon. But with Team Rocket, it happens pretty regularly – with this one being one of my favorites. There have been plenty of instances in anime where protagonists in some of the best anime movies or television shows end up doing something dumb that hurts their own friends or allies.

(Image credit: The Pokemon Company) When Their Own Pokemon Harmed Their Teammates (Grooming Furfrou!)